Festival of Light

EB and I visited Manhattan seventeen Decembers ago as part of her tour of the East Coast academies where she was considering studying for her philosophiae doctor degree.  You’d think when we were looking for fun, it being near Christmas and all, we might have laced up some skates and headed over to Rockefeller Center, but this dog don’t skate.  Instead, we went to a Solstice Circle at an urban shaman’s house.  Continue reading

Home for the Holidays

Make yourself at home.  There’s no place like home.  Home is where the heart is.

As I approach the fourth anniversary of my return to Vancouver, I am comforted knowing that I have found a home here.  It wasn’t always clear to me where my home was, especially during my decade of moving up and down and back and forth across the western part of the continent (LA – Oakland – Vancouver – Sedona – Berkeley – LA – Vancouver). That question — where is my home? – weighed heavily on me at times.

Of course, old adages are usually right.  Continue reading

Belated Thanks

Another Thanksgiving (or two, if you count Canadian and American) come and gone.  Gratitude, gratitude, gratitude abounds.

This has been an unusually busy fall, between the move and three, count ’em, three trips to Southern California since August.  My most recent trip had me in Palm Springs for our annual gathering with family and longtime friends.   This year, my dad and his wife were in town for a change, as well as my mom and my brother and his wife and two girls.  There’s no greater joy for me than being an auntie… it’s just about the best thing ever.  My nieces are growing up so fast, as kids tend to do, so every time I get to spend quality time with them, it’s a blessing. Continue reading